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Антивирус Скачать сейчас антивирусное программное обеспечение... Скачать бесплатно программы безопасности и приложений
Security Release ISO Image August 2010 KB913086

Security Release ISO Image August 2010 KB913086 Бесплатная версия 4046 

This DVD5 ISO image file contains the security updates for Windows released on Windows Update on August 10th, 2010. August 2010 Security and Critical Releases ISO Image does not contain security updates for any other Microsoft products. This DVD5 ISO image is intended for administrators that need to download multiple individual language versions of each security update and that do not use an automated solution such as WSUS.

PC Tools Internet Security 2010

PC Tools Internet Security 2010  4045 

All-in-one internet security suite software featuring our award-winning anti-spyware, anti-virus, firewall and spam protection. * PC Tools Internet Security Suite offers powerful anti-spyware, anti-virus, firewall and spam protection in one application. * Detects, removes and blocks all types of spyware, adware, viruses, Trojans, worms, keyloggers and other online threats. * FREE support for all customers.

BigAnt Business Level Messenger 2.92

BigAnt Business Level Messenger 2.92  4044 

BigAnt Business Level Messenger for office communication. Instant messaging solution for online chat, collaborate on projects, knowledge sharing, tapping into different skill sets, presentations, connect people who are overseas or remote etc. With the ability to keep a copy of the history message for all BigAnt Business messenger users, it makes possible to store an electronic transcript of agreement or other important record.

TrustPort Total Protection 2011

TrustPort Total Protection 2011  3996 

TrustPort Total Protection 2011 protects the computer from viruses and spyware at all entry points. All electronic mail and websites are examined in order to detect dangerous or unwanted content. It enables the reliable protection of sensitive data by encryption or the permanent shredding of confidential files no longer in use. Give TrustPort Total Protection 2011 a try to fully assess its capabilities!

Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool - 64 bit 5.82

Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool - 64 bit 5.82 Бесплатная версия 3993 

The Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool checks Windows Vista, WIndows 7, Windows XP, Windows 2000, and Windows Server 2003 computers for and helps remove infections by specific, prevalent malicious software—including Blaster, Sasser, and Mydoom. When the detection and removal process is complete, the tool displays a report describing the outcome, including which, if any, malicious software was detected and removed.

ClamWin Free Antivirus 0.99.4

ClamWin Free Antivirus 0.99.4 Бесплатная версия 3990 

ClamWin is a Free Antivirus program for Microsoft Windows 10 / 8/ 7 / Vista / XP / Me / 2000 / 98 and Windows Server 2012, 2008 and 2003. ClamWin Free Antivirus comes with an easy installer and open source code. You may download and use it absolutely free of charge.

Returnil Virtual System 2010 Home 3.2.10792

Returnil Virtual System 2010 Home 3.2.10792 Бесплатная версия 3984 

RVS 2010 uses an advanced anti-malware and virtualization technology. It clones (copies) your operating system and creates a virtual environment for your PC. Instead of loading the native operating system, a clone is loaded that allows you to run your applications and perform your online activities in an entirely isolated environment.

Security Release ISO Image March 2010 KB913086

Security Release ISO Image March 2010 KB913086 Бесплатная версия 3981 

This DVD5 ISO image file contains the security updates for Windows released on Windows Update on March 9th, 2010. March 2010 Security and Critical Releases ISO Image does not contain security updates for any other Microsoft products. This DVD5 ISO image is intended for administrators that need to download multiple individual language versions of each security update and that do not use an automated solution such as Windows Server Update Services.

Download Unblocker for Google Chrome 6.0

Download Unblocker for Google Chrome 6.0 Бесплатная версия 3980 

Chrome Download Unblocker is the simple tool to instantly Disable Blocking of File Downloads in Google Chrome browser.

NoVirusThanks EXE Radar Pro 3.0

NoVirusThanks EXE Radar Pro 3.0  3977 

NoVirusThanks EXE Radar is a useful Windows OS utility designed to alert a user everytime an unknown process tries to run in the system. The end user is able to whitelist, blacklist, allow once, block once or block + delete the executable attemping to load. Whitelist and blacklist files are securely saved to disk with their MD5 hash, making sure they cannot be hijacked.

Panda Dome Complete Antivirus 2018

Panda Dome Complete Antivirus 2018  3974 

How do you connect to the Internet? PC? Mac? Tablet? Smartphone? Don't worry. Whatever device you use, Panda Global Protection keeps your data safe from all threats. You don't have to be an expert to use it, Panda Global Protection does everything for you: install it and forget about viruses and other threats. Protect your privacy and keep your devices under control.

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Лучшие приложения для Антивирус От редакции

Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2013

Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2013

Антивирус Касперского защищает вас от фишинга и вредоносных сайтов, которые вы иначе бы не знать, пытаются украсть у вас. В то же время Kaspersky Security Network позволяет компьютеру сообщить, когда он обнаруживает угрозу, которая не видели раньше. Все 250 миллионов пользователей Kaspersky воспользоваться нашей совокупных знаний! Kaspersky функции включают в себя: защищает от вирусов, троянов, червей, шпионских программ, adware сканирование файлов, электронной почты и Интернет трафика защищает мгновенных посыльных защищает от неизвестных угроз анализирует и закрывает уязвимости Internet Explorer отключает ссылок на зараженные сайты / фишинговых сайтов глобальной угрозы мониторинг (Kaspersky Security Network) блоки всех типов клавиатурных шпионов автоматическая база данных обновления Бесплатные технической поддержки Примечание: это 30-дневный коммерческие суда.