Vir.IT eXplorer Lite is the free version of the AntiVirus, AntiSpyware e AntiMalware Vir.IT eXplorer PRO security suite. It cleans your computer from viruses, spywares, worms, Trojans, backdoors, dialers, BHOs (Browser Helper Object), adwares, hijackers, malware software.
Antivirus solution tailored for the needs of the file server. It is designed to use the capacity of the server and to work simultaneously with multiple files. Protects the key element of the network, where the most valuable corporate data is usually stored.
ZoneAlarm protects your PC from phishing attacks, viruses, malware, spyware, and other cyber threats with our advanced security software products. We provide industry-leading security software for both home and small businesses. Our products include powerful antivirus protection, spyware removal, firewall, browser security, ID theft prevention, and more. We support the latest operating systems, including Windows 10, Windows 8 and Windows 7
For system administrators, security experts, and experienced commandline users. Check your system for malware infection with the Commandline Scanner. It includes all functions of the Anti-Malware scanner and both the top scan engines (Emsisoft Anti-Malware and Ikarus Antivirus).
This is what everyone expected to protect themselves from ransomware viruses. The new RANSOMWARDIAN software with annual usage licenses for each computer you want to protect. We introduce the solution that prevents your protected computer equipment out of reach of ransomware. RANSOMWARDIAN is valid for computers with Windows operating system. Now we protect the integrity of your information, the most important asset ...
Do you want an antivirus that's powerful, free, and trusted around the world by 230 million users and counting? Then look no further. Avast Antivirus offers powerful Nitro protection designed to protect your PC, without slowing it down.
Simple, fast and lightweight free Antivirus compatible with several OS. Panda Free Antivirus protects you while you work, play, or browse online. Protects against malware in general, and against rootkits, ransomware, USB infections and many more.
The most comprehensive security suite on the market protects your PC, identity, data and everything you do online. Further protection comes with anti-phishing, anti-spam, parental controls and online backup. Also includes unique security not found in other suites like virtual and private browsing, identity protection with victim recovery services, and optional hard drive encryption that stops others from reading your PC, laptop or netbook.
eScan Enterprise Edition for Microsoft SBS Standard is a comprehensive AntiVirus, AntiSpam and Content Security solution that provides Zero Day Protection from Viruses, Spyware, Adware, Keyloggers, Rootkits, Botnets, Hacking, Spam, Phishing and Offensive Content.
ESET NOD32 Antivirus is an award-winning antivirus with fast and powerful detection of viruses, worms, Trojans, rootkits and other malware. ESET NOD32 Antivirus also has security features dedicated to filtering applications and emails, blocking e-threats while surfing the web, and preventing phishing.
ADinf32 is the celebrated antivirus and security tool used in Russia over 20 years. Fully updated to current industry standards, ADinf32 scrupulously evaluates system for full data integrity and security, and for other data modifications. Many users run ADinf32 every day to check their systems - considering this program their most reliable instrument for virus detection.
Антивирус Касперского защищает вас от фишинга и вредоносных сайтов, которые вы иначе бы не знать, пытаются украсть у вас. В то же время Kaspersky Security Network позволяет компьютеру сообщить, когда он обнаруживает угрозу, которая не видели раньше. Все 250 миллионов пользователей Kaspersky воспользоваться нашей совокупных знаний! Kaspersky функции включают в себя: защищает от вирусов, троянов, червей, шпионских программ, adware сканирование файлов, электронной почты и Интернет трафика защищает мгновенных посыльных защищает от неизвестных угроз анализирует и закрывает уязвимости Internet Explorer отключает ссылок на зараженные сайты / фишинговых сайтов глобальной угрозы мониторинг (Kaspersky Security Network) блоки всех типов клавиатурных шпионов автоматическая база данных обновления Бесплатные технической поддержки Примечание: это 30-дневный коммерческие суда.