PasswordVaultTM is a top-rated password and textclip manager which automates web logins and helps you manage your passwords, web bookmarks and textclip library across multiple computers. It's easy to use and includes powerful features for advanced users and organizations. Home users, businesses, corporations, banks and major sites like The University of Illinois use PasswordVault.
Trend Micro Titanium Maximum Security is all-in-one, easy-to-use protection for everything you and your family do online—email, socialise, bank, browse, shop, and more. It provides you with a friendly interface, simple screens, and clear reports.
Spamihilator works between your email client and the Internet and examines every incoming message. Useless and unsolicited spam mails (junk) will be filtered out. This process runs completely in the background. Spamihilator uses a number of different filters in order to achieve the highest spam recognition rate possible. The program is highly configurable and can be extended by plugins.
SX System Suite is a collection of all the free System Analysis and Monitoring softwares released by SecurityXploded. It contains the latest version of all the system tools which makes it easy for the user to get all these tools at one place without worrying about downloading each of them separately. These tools can help you in monitoring system processes, detection, and removal of Spyware DLLs, identification of Malicious Services, and more.
Do you want to protect your PC data from others? The 'Secure PC' product can block the specified folders, files and drives from being accessed by others. Also, you can protect your data by blocking the application from being executed by others. It also provides a Secure Drive that can save your electronic wallet information and private data. Also, it is possible to permanently delete files/folders so that they can not be recovered.
Aim staff performance and ensure your security policies by installing employee watching software. Refog Employee Monitor intercepts and saves input, tracks open software and files used, logs chats and messages in all popular IM programs, tracks all visited Web pages and links, and takes periodic screenshots of your employees' PCs to better illustrate their work.
This tool allow to find the lost password for DBISAM tables (dat-files). An application don't use any external libraries (no BDE, no ODBC, no ADO etc) and you may run this tool on any computer without any additional setup/install. The password revelation is very-very fast because no data loaded, no brute force or dictionary iterations. DBISAM v1.x/2.x/3.x supported.
Kiosk software locks down your public computer or kiosk, helping you securely display your website or application. It prevents hacking and downtime by restricting access to the system, desktop, drives, folders and programs. The software blocks the system keys and replaces the system shell for maximum protection. Secure Browser removes standard browser menus, blocks downloads, limits browsing to specified URLs and blocks inappropriate content.
If you are looking to keep certain folders password protected, the easiest way to do so is to install Password Protect, a software program supporting all versions of Windows for PC including Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Windows XP. Password Protect is especially useful when you have to share your computer with your colleagues or friends and kids but want your private folders to be accessible only when the correct password is entered.
WiFi Password Decryptor reveals WiFi passwords hidden under asterisks, which are stored in the Windows Wireless Configuration Manger panel. It comes in handy if you have lost or forgotten the password that prevents you from connecting to the Internet.
Lock USB password-protects your USB and external drives in seconds and is the only product that keeps them locked on all operating systems including Windows/Mac/Linux and file systems like FAT32/NTFS/exFAT.
Iperius Backup является одним из лучших бесплатных ПО для резервного копирования, имеет также коммерческую версию с широким набором передовых функциях резервного копирования. Бесплатная версия Iperius Backup позволяет проводит резервное копирование на любые носители информации, как NAS, внешние диски USB, носители RDX и компьютеры в сети. Включает в себя полнофункциональный планировщик заданий и функцию отправки e-mail. Поддерживает сжатие zip без ограничения в размере файлов, инкрементальный бэкап, аутентификацию в сети и запуск внешних скриптов и программ.
Антивирус Касперского защищает вас от фишинга и вредоносных сайтов, которые вы иначе бы не знать, пытаются украсть у вас. В то же время Kaspersky Security Network позволяет компьютеру сообщить, когда он обнаруживает угрозу, которая не видели раньше. Все 250 миллионов пользователей Kaspersky воспользоваться нашей совокупных знаний! Kaspersky функции включают в себя: защищает от вирусов, троянов, червей, шпионских программ, adware сканирование файлов, электронной почты и Интернет трафика защищает мгновенных посыльных защищает от неизвестных угроз анализирует и закрывает уязвимости Internet Explorer отключает ссылок на зараженные сайты / фишинговых сайтов глобальной угрозы мониторинг (Kaspersky Security Network) блоки всех типов клавиатурных шпионов автоматическая база данных обновления Бесплатные технической поддержки Примечание: это 30-дневный коммерческие суда.