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Программное обеспечение безопасности Бесплатно Скачайте сейчас безопасности программного обеспечения и приложений. антивирусные и антишпионские
1-abc.net Password Organizer 7.00

1-abc.net Password Organizer 7.00  3442 

These days, everyone has many different passwords, to login to a messenger or an e-mail account, security codes for online banking, PINs for his telephone and so on. 1-abc.net Password Organizer allows you to organize all your passwords and login data, you only have to remember your master password. Additionally, it offers many useful functions concerning secure password management, a random password generator, own encryption engine, txt export..

VIPRE Internet Security 2013 6.0.5449

VIPRE Internet Security 2013 6.0.5449  3441 

VIPRE® Internet Security combines next-generation antivirus and anti-spyware technologies with a bi-directional firewall and spam and web filtering for all-in-one protection against malware. VIPRE was built from scratch with all-new technologies that optimize your PC’s overall performance — even when updating or running a scan.

eScan Corporate for Citrix Servers 11.x

eScan Corporate for Citrix Servers 11.x  3441 

eScan Corporate for Citrix Servers is a comprehensive AntiVirus, AntiSpam and Content Security solution that provides Zero Day Protection from Viruses, Spyware, Adware, Keyloggers, Rootkits, Botnets, Hacking, Spam, Phishing and Offensive Content.

Quick Heal Total Security 19.00

Quick Heal Total Security 19.00  3440 

For secure online banking, smooth Internet surfing, and robust protection for your PC. Safe Banking protects your financial data during online banking and shopping. Parental Control lets you manage and control Internet and computer access for your kids. Enhanced Malware Protection blocks spyware, adware, keyloggers, and other malware.

Max PC Privacy

Max PC Privacy  3440 

Get the best Security tool for your PC with a brand MAX PC Secure. The tool provides the feature through which you can delete your preferred sites, username, e-mail, passwords, file and folders. It cleans the cookies in which all the important data have been saved, therefore making your system safe and secure. The tool guarantees all your activities in system are erased and unrecoverable.

Wifi Credentials Viewer

Wifi Credentials Viewer  3440 

The best tool to enumerate and fetch all stored Wi-Fi credentials., Created by Michael Haephrati, founder of Secured Globe, Inc. in New York. The Wi-Fi Credentials Viewer starts scanning any stored Wi-Fi networks credentials right after it starts. After less than a second, you should see a list of all credentials. When Wi-Fi Credentials Viewer starts, you should see a pop up message indicating the name of report .txt file generated.

Ultraheal PC Security 1.0

Ultraheal PC Security 1.0  3439 

Fast and Complete PC Security Solution that protects you, your family and business from Cyber Crime. Our solutions help individuals, organizations and agencies protect themselves, computers, mobiles device and businesses against fraud, identity theft, viruses and many other problems encountered online.

360 Total Security Free Antivirus

360 Total Security Free Antivirus Бесплатная версия 3439 

360 Total Security is a leading brand of PC security and utility. We believe a secure digital journey is priceless, and should be FREE. Our products are designed to ensure the best protection for PC against viruses, malware and other threats, as well as to provide the best optimization tools to boost the performance of the computer. Offering superior solutions for security and utility is our commitment to our users.

SI Internet Security

SI Internet Security Бесплатная версия 3439 

Free, self-updating software gives your computer full security, protecting your valuable data from any harm. SI Internet Security protects your PC from all types of viruses. Downloading files, music, documents, any files from Internet can be dangerous for your computer. With SI Internet Security you can forget about being cautious. It scans all your downloads and blocks all the malicious programs to secure your computer.

Free Message Encrypter 0.1

Free Message Encrypter 0.1 Бесплатная версия 3439 

Are you worried about privacy? Do you know that GMail, Facebook and others online services, automatically reads and scan your messages for advertising purpose? Free Message Encrypter is for you! Free Message Encrypter automatically replace your message with an encrypted one!

PREDATOR Professional

PREDATOR Professional  3439 

PREDATOR Professional locks your PC when you are away, even if your Windows session is still opened. It uses a regular USB flash drive as an access control device. It's easier and faster than closing your Windows session, since you do not have to retype your password when you return.

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Лучшие приложения для Программное обеспечение безопасности От редакции

Iperius Backup 3.8.2

Iperius Backup 3.8.2

Iperius Backup является одним из лучших бесплатных ПО для резервного копирования, имеет также коммерческую версию с широким набором передовых функциях резервного копирования. Бесплатная версия Iperius Backup позволяет проводит резервное копирование на любые носители информации, как NAS, внешние диски USB, носители RDX и компьютеры в сети. Включает в себя полнофункциональный планировщик заданий и функцию отправки e-mail. Поддерживает сжатие zip без ограничения в размере файлов, инкрементальный бэкап, аутентификацию в сети и запуск внешних скриптов и программ.

Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2013

Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2013

Антивирус Касперского защищает вас от фишинга и вредоносных сайтов, которые вы иначе бы не знать, пытаются украсть у вас. В то же время Kaspersky Security Network позволяет компьютеру сообщить, когда он обнаруживает угрозу, которая не видели раньше. Все 250 миллионов пользователей Kaspersky воспользоваться нашей совокупных знаний! Kaspersky функции включают в себя: защищает от вирусов, троянов, червей, шпионских программ, adware сканирование файлов, электронной почты и Интернет трафика защищает мгновенных посыльных защищает от неизвестных угроз анализирует и закрывает уязвимости Internet Explorer отключает ссылок на зараженные сайты / фишинговых сайтов глобальной угрозы мониторинг (Kaspersky Security Network) блоки всех типов клавиатурных шпионов автоматическая база данных обновления Бесплатные технической поддержки Примечание: это 30-дневный коммерческие суда.