езультат поиска - Low

GFI LanGuard 2014 R2

GFI LanGuard 2014 R2  5123 

GFI LanGuard gives you a complete picture of your network setup and helps you maintain a secure network state. It…

Spy Tool 13.02.01

Spy Tool 13.02.01  3920 

Network administrator can continuously monitor activities of several employees with Computer Spy tool. With this tool you can monitor both…

Lock My Computer 10.0

Lock My Computer 10.0  4192 

Desktop security solution for personal or publicly accessible computers. It disallows unauthorized changes to various settings of the Windows system,…

ShareAlarmPro 2.1.4

ShareAlarmPro 2.1.4  4911 

ShareAlarmPro is a network tool that allows network administrators and users easily perform a network shares monitoring. Using ShareAlarmPro you…

Bulletproof Public PC 7.71

Bulletproof Public PC 7.71  4118 

Comprehensive solution to produce public PC and kiosk desktop terminals that are intended to work without supervision. Disable access to…

Access Controller 3.314

Access Controller 3.314  4286 

Desktop locking security utility to protect desktop when you are not near PC. Password protection can be automatically activated on…

AllowBlock 2.13

AllowBlock 2.13  4025 

AllowBlock is a parental control software. Its internet content filter blocks or allows visiting selected websites in Internet Explorer. One…

CDROM and DVD Rom Disabler 2.0

CDROM and DVD Rom Disabler 2.0 Бесплатная версия 4037 

As Promised we have created two more free utlities. The first one is our CD Rom disabler. It allows you…

USB Disabler 2.0

USB Disabler 2.0  4189 

Stop unauthorized use of flash drives, and memory sticks on your network. Prevent unauthorized flash drive, and memory stick access…

ParentalControl Bar

ParentalControl Bar Бесплатная версия 4024 

The ParentalControl Bar is a free public service that helps concerned parents prevent their children from accessing adult-oriented Web sites.…

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