езультат поиска - event

Safer Work 1.2

Safer Work 1.2 Бесплатная версия 4170 

Safer Work activates computer protection through whitelisting. Safer Work enables Windows software restriction policies. These restrictions prevent the execution of…

Kiosk Software 2.8.3

Kiosk Software 2.8.3  4056 

Kiosk software locks down your public computer or kiosk, helping you securely display your website or application. It prevents hacking…

BotFence 2.15.0002

BotFence 2.15.0002  4269 

Automatically blocks IP addresses with hacking attempts on your windows server services (rdp, FTP, SQL-Server) using the Windows firewall. The…

Advanced Internet Kiosk 7.7526

Advanced Internet Kiosk 7.7526  4346 

Advanced Internet Kiosk is intended for building Internet kiosks, public access PCs, or in-store terminals. It lets you disable access…

Event Track Free Event Registration Software 6.7

Event Track Free Event Registration Software 6.7 Бесплатная версия 4418 

Register attendees for events, conferences and trade shows. Track attendance of event attendees at seminars and breakout sessions. Capture leads…

AccessPatrol 4.4

AccessPatrol 4.4  5061 

With the influx of portable storage devices and removable media, data theft is becoming an increasing threat to organizations. Devices…

1st Desktop Guard 10.0

1st Desktop Guard 10.0  4228 

Tired to lose your desktop icons and get them rearranged? Tired to roll back your desktop wallpaper and screen saver…

ShareAlarmPro 2.1.4

ShareAlarmPro 2.1.4  5178 

ShareAlarmPro is a network tool that allows network administrators and users easily perform a network shares monitoring. Using ShareAlarmPro you…

DVD Device Lock 3.03

DVD Device Lock 3.03  4435 

Hide or restrict access to removable media devices such as CD, DVD, floppy, flash and USB drives, and deny access…

Outlook Express Privacy 2.394

Outlook Express Privacy 2.394  4104 

Control access to Outlook Express and its email message database. When you enable protection, the program disables access to the…

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