езультат поиска - Format

RADIO Logger Pro

RADIO Logger Pro  4238 

Program for external (Line-In, Microphone etc.) audio signal storage in PCM Wave (*.wav) or Mpeg Layer 3 (*.mp3) formats. Has…

GoldWave 6.51

GoldWave 6.51  3756 

GoldWave is a professional digital audio editor. Use it to play, edit, mix, and analyze audio, or apply special effects,…

RapidComposer LE 3.84

RapidComposer LE 3.84  3946 

You can record MIDI Control Change events and customize them using the Exponential, Line, Curve and Freehand utilities, or create…

TrackSpacer 2.5.6

TrackSpacer 2.5.6  6748 

TrackSpacer is an audio plug-in (available in VST, AU, and RTAS formats / Mac and Windows) that creates space in…

Ircam Trax V3

Ircam Trax V3  13114 

TRAX Transformer is based on an augmented phase vocoder technology and a cutting edge transformation algorithm, allowing for manipulating characteristic…

MidiYodi 2020.1

MidiYodi 2020.1  3507 

MidiYodi is a professional software designed to allow the examination, playback and modifications to MIDI files. It scans entire folders…

Portable streamWriter B787

Portable streamWriter B787 Бесплатная версия 3334 

StreamWriter is an application for recording streams in mp3- or aac-format broadcasted by internet radio stations. streamWriter is completely free…

StreamWriter B787

StreamWriter B787 Бесплатная версия 3248 

streamWriter is an application for recording streams in mp3- or aac-format broadcasted by internet radio stations. streamWriter is completely free…

PianoRollComposer 2 Feb 2020

PianoRollComposer 2 Feb 2020 Бесплатная версия 3565 

PianoRollComposer was designed to give you a different way to view and write MIDI music. PianoRollComposer uses the standard treble…

StationPlaylist Creator 5.40 B5.4.0.8

StationPlaylist Creator 5.40 B5.4.0.8  3630 

StationPlaylist Creator is a comprehensive and relatively lightweight piece of software that allows you to create entertaining radio playlist formats…

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